Tag Archives: life

How to live at peace

We all struggle to live up in peace with the surrounding restless world.
There is no peace anywhere, we gotta run in the race of life, to live with the people around you.
If we stop for a day we are at most extinct state of being and we will end up is mess.
So what can we do to keep in peace of mind and life.

#1. Do What makes you happy
#2. Listen to your heart not the people around you
#3. Be alone and feel yourself and love thyself
#4. Empathize with people around but don’t fall in prey
#5. Do meditate your thoughts

When beloved people go far


Importance of a beloved people,
Shrink to a cell when we are near,
While we unveil the significance,
They fly afar,
Life brings up surprises,
We find new friends in life again.

Life is beautiful

Beautiful life it is,

Expectations over God increases,

Over and over, day by day,

Our mood swaying away,

He gives what we deserve not desires,

We forget to observe and misperceive.

Think there’s one suffered more than you,

Not be excited when you are in excess,

there’s one offered more than your success.

The warriors of tomorrow


Warriors of tomorrow,
In the arms of their moms,
Son of battlefield while grown.

Learned today

Today was Yesterday’s tomorrow; And tomorrow is today’s Yesterday; You cannot change them but you can change today.

Learned today

Being slave of an intellectual is better than being head of fools.

Learned today

We are born naked,we will die naked. Everything between these two is a comma.

Don’t like this post if you don’t read

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There is no true love

Dudes, You might be wondering and getting angry over me.
Yes, that’s true there is no true love on this earth.

Mother’s love is true? or Girl Friend’s love is true?

What is true love?. A love without any expectation, a love without any demand,a love without any selfishness might be a true love.
But we have every love with some expectation, at least with an expectation of love in return.

This started with Adam and Eve amd still continues. If there is a miss in any of these expectations,demands or anything, then that relationship cease to break up.

If I take you 5 years before..

What do you gonna change if I can take you 5 years before from now?

Are you not thinking that you must be get rid of your bf or gf, or purse another course of study… Just comment below…